Game Modes


A 5v5 game mode with skill-based matchmaking. This means that if you did well the game before, you will get matched with better players the next game and vice versa. The two teams, attackers and defenders, face off in a 13-25 round game. If you/your team wins a round you get a point. First team to 13 points wins. The attackers objective is to plant the spike (bomb) and defend it until it detonates.If the attackers successfully detonate the spike then they win the round. The defenders objective is to defend the sites and prevent the spike from exploading. If the spike gets planted their objective is to defuse it. Both teams can also win the round by killing the other team. However if the defenders wipeout the attackers while the spike is planted, the defenders still have to defuse the spike in order to win the round. If the defenders wipeout the attackers but the spike explodes then the attackers win the round. There is also a timer set to 1 minute and 30 seconds for each round. If the time runs out then the defenders win the round. Time disapears when the spike is planted therfore extending the round depening on when the spike is planted. When the spike is planted a seperate timer begins. This timer is not represented by numbers but insted with beeps. The beeps get faster over time. The faster the beeps the less time the defenders have to defuse the spike. If you die you don't respawn in the same round. Both teams switch sides after the 12th round. Defenders become attackers and attackers become defenders.


A competitive version of Unrated with rank-based matchmaking. The only in game difference is that you have to win by a 2 point difference. This causes some games to go on for over an hour. In order to get a rank you have to play 5 competitive game to get placed in a rank. These 5 games are called placement matches. Placement matches use skill-based matchmaking. To rank up you have to gain RR (Rank Rating). The more RR the higher the rank. You have to be level 20 in order to unlock Competitive. The image below shows all of the ranks with some more info. The ranks go from left to right. Left being the lowest rank and right being the highest. Each rank (except for Radiant) has 3 divisions. The 1st division is the lowest and the 3rd division is the highest.



A shorter version of Unrated with skill-based matchmaking. Each game is 5-9 rounds long. Attackers and defenders switch sides after the 4th round. First to 5 points wins.